Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Something new

I had posted that some good things had happened in the long period of my not posting. I always felt I was not interested in embroiderying so had no need for a new machine. Well, after seeing some adorable embroidered pillowcases and quilts, I thought long and hard about a new machine. A sewing machine store in Queens offered free financing for 2 years. DH said to go ahead and make the plunge and I did. The machine comes with the embroidery unit and software. Have I made a trillion embroidered items. No....... I am still learning and can not understand why life keeps getting in the way of my sewing time. After all I am retired and should have tons of time!!! Here is a picture.

I have been working on another block of the month with my library group. These blocks are from my stash. I think it is called Cherry Hill Sampler and of course some Thimbleberries. So far I have 6 blocks done. The seventh block you can see next to my sewing machine. It still needs to be put together. Maybe today.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


From block buddy

A few months ago one of the women from my library group brought in something called a block buddy. It was given to her for her birthday from a fellow quilter. I thought the idea was great and took a 15 1/2 inch block I had and proceeded to make one for myself. I bring it with me with a block or blocks that I am working on.

The pieces cling to the batting and when I am ready to go home, I roll the whole thing up and the pieces or finished block stay put. If you have not seen this before consider making one for yourself.