Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Something new

I had posted that some good things had happened in the long period of my not posting. I always felt I was not interested in embroiderying so had no need for a new machine. Well, after seeing some adorable embroidered pillowcases and quilts, I thought long and hard about a new machine. A sewing machine store in Queens offered free financing for 2 years. DH said to go ahead and make the plunge and I did. The machine comes with the embroidery unit and software. Have I made a trillion embroidered items. No....... I am still learning and can not understand why life keeps getting in the way of my sewing time. After all I am retired and should have tons of time!!! Here is a picture.

I have been working on another block of the month with my library group. These blocks are from my stash. I think it is called Cherry Hill Sampler and of course some Thimbleberries. So far I have 6 blocks done. The seventh block you can see next to my sewing machine. It still needs to be put together. Maybe today.

1 comment:

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm researching sewing machines and the 440QE is one I'm interested in. I'd love to hear what you like/don't like about it and how you selected this model.

I'm struggling over whether or not I'd get the embroidery. I've heard it's so expensive (thread, software, and software updates). I'm not sure I could justify the cost.

Have you played with the BSR? Thoughts?

Congratulations! It sure is a pretty machine!!!