Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So why did I purchase this?

I have been kind of tired today so did not get a lot done. Yesterday, was DH's birthday so my daughter and her family, my son, Jimmy, his girlfriend and her son celebrated with us. We sat down to a big dinner and then sang Happy Birthday to the now 64 year old. DH is two weeks older than I am so 64 for me will be here soon. Where does time go?

This is #6 block from my Wednesday group. I had it finished when I noticed that 2 of the corner units were in backwards. I can't tell you how many times I looked at this block and did not notice it until I went to take a picture for the blog. Of course I had to rip it out before putting it on the blog. It now is a bit wonky.

My 8 month old granddaughter slept at out house last night so this morning we drove her to my daughter's home. We stopped at Kohl's on the way home and I saw this table. It was adjustable in height and is meant for a computer. Well, I told myself, I could use it for my serger or my featherweight. So....on impulse I bought it for 23.99 and a 15% senior discount. Did I really need this? Oh well it is put together and we will see.

As we started to leave Kohl's we heard thunder and torrential rains came down. We waited a while before DH ran out to get the car. He went to the wrong parking spot and then had the wrong car keys ready. Needless to say, he was wet to his undies. I only had to run to the car from the store front, but I did not escape from the rain. We shivered all the way home.

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